Regardless of the time of the year, you can fulfill your obligatory worship by donating your sacrificial offering and ensure that your sacrifice is delivered to those in need.
What is a sacrificial offering?
A sacrifice is a sacrifice that is obligatory for the person who offers it. If the person has tied this sacrifice to the fulfillment of a condition, he/she must slaughter it when this condition is fulfilled.
What does Aqeeqah sacrifice mean?
The sacrifice sacrificed in gratitude on behalf of the newborn child is called 'Aqeeqah sacrifice'. Generally, the animal chosen as the 'aqeeqah sacrifice meets the same conditions as other sacrifices. It is mustahabb to slaughter this sacrifice. Although it is sacrificed until the child reaches puberty, it is considered more virtuous to sacrifice it on the seventh day after birth.
What is the sacrifice of thanksgiving?
A sacrifice that is slaughtered in gratitude to Allah on any occasion is called a 'sacrifice of thanksgiving'. A person can sacrifice a sacrifice of thanksgiving for achieving a desired goal or for being blessed with a blessing.
What is a sacrifice of alms?
Sadaqah sacrifice is a type of charity we perform. It is very important that the person who slaughters a sadaqa sacrifice does so only for the sake of Allah.
Is it possible to slaughter a sacrifice by proxy?
A person can either slaughter the sacrifice himself or have someone else do it by proxy. The person who slaughters the Qurban by proxy can either give a proxy to someone in his/her locality or to a person or institution in another locality. The proxy can be given verbally or in writing, or it can be given via telephone, internet, fax and similar communication tools.
Where and when is my donated sacrifice slaughtered?
Your donated sacrifice is slaughtered in the areas of urgent need determined by the Valide Association's sacrifice commission between 1 and 3 days according to Islamic procedures.
To whom is my donated sacrifice delivered?
After the slaughter, your sacrifice is divided into shares and delivered to the needy, muhajirs, victims of war and natural disasters, orphan families, the elderly, orphans and those suffering from poverty in areas of urgent need.
Images of your donated sacrifice are sent to your cell phone via whatsapp on the day of slaughter.